Monday, 21 January 2013

Mary Ward Week Morning Prayer 1

Mary Ward Week

In 1941 our school was founded,
By those who fought for our rights.
In a time where women were ruled and not taught
On equality she set her sights.

She travelled for and wide for year and years,
Not on behalf of herself,
But on behalf of young women all over the world,
On behalf of you and myself.

On behalf of Sarah, chillin in Babthorpe.
Or Rachel chillin in Ward,
Be you in class learning grammar and sums,
She has earned her reward.

To she we owe plenty, much more that you know,
Hers are whose footsteps we follow.
Women are strong and courageous and smart,
Which, to men, was a hard fact to swallow.

In Mary Ward Week, we pay tribute to her,
We strive to fulfil her ambition,
We treat education like a song in Loreto,
And we give it our very best rendition